In February 2022, Russian forces began a full-blown invasion of Ukraine. The words 'war in Europe' have leapt from the pages of history books, becoming a reality which has blighted the lives of millions of people and is rattling the foundations of the post-World War Two international order, upon which Australia's security, prosperity, and stability has depended. Some argue that this is just how 'great powers' roll, the war is peripheral to Australian interests, and 'the West' has only itself to blame.

Peter Tesch, Australia's former Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2016-2019), disagrees. Drawing on 40 years' experience studying Russian and living and working in the USSR and Russian Federation, he will tackle some of the myth-perceptions being propagated about the Kremlin's war of choice in Ukraine and will advocate for greater Australian investment in 'Russia literacy' to ensure we are better equipped to deal with the challenge Russia is likely to pose for the foreseeable future.


We welcome participants in-person at the Glover Cottages, tickets to be pre-paid . Once the limit for in-person attendees is reached, tickets will no longer be sold on the website or at the door.

Refreshments will be served from 6pm at Glover Cottages. The event will start at 6.30pm AEST (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne time), Tuesday June 11.

For further information please email


Glover Cottages
Kent Street 124-134
Millers Point, New South Wales, Australia

See route

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